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Ask someone what he or she thinks “finance” is about. You’ll probably get a variety of responses: “It deals with money.” “It is what my bank does.” “The New York Stock Exchange has something to do with it.” “It’s how businesses and people get the money they need—you know, borrowing and stuff like that.” And.
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The cannabis mania is coming over and more and more time for investors to dive into this thrilling and enticing market. Due to the new discoveries of its medicinal use and its legalization over North America, the Cannabis stocks are gaining more tractions aside from those factors affecting economic growth. If you are interested to know more about this kind of industry, then let’s find out below.
Sneak Peak for the Cannabis Industry
Investing in the stock market is one of the best option to grow your money.
The stock market return is averaging on 8.65% annually for about 10 years. This is much comparable to 5.03% return of Treasury note, and 7.88% for gold. However, when it comes to weed stocks, much higher than those can be expected. A data from 2018 shows that the sales of cannabis in US alone landed on around $50 billion.
The birth of marijuana sub-sectors
Contributing to the value of the cannabis market is the addition of sub-sectors of marijuana that are continuously erupting. There are the weed cultivators, marijuana manufacturers, cannabis packaging companies, and dispensaries. On the other hand, even the manufacturers will benefit financially for this industry as the demand for weed-based products are growing enormously.
Based on market research, it is expected that, by 2027, the cannabis industry will reach about $57 billion. And speculations believe that the legalization of cannabis in US will be implemented right after the presidential election of 2020. Due to this, it is a good timing to invest in this kind of market before its gigantic burst.
Cannabis Stocks Investment for Everyone
The previous year became a good indicator for weed-based businesses as cannabis prohibition will soon end on many states. Because of that, many investors are very eager to invest on the Canadian pot stocks. Generally, it is still the same old reason why people like to invest in the cannabis stocks.
They invest primarily on the steel makers or streaming companies. And obviously, this is because they want to grow their money and wealth using this kind of industry. Further, this market is open for all who are interested to invest.
Key Notes:
Decided to invest in the cannabis stock market is closely similar with investing in other type of stocks. Basically, the process is very simple yet, finding the appropriate work to done is essential to see the right stocks. Keep in mind that investing cannot be done for a day. Meaning, you doesn’t need to stick your eye on the cannabis market 24/7 and watch its move.
Economic growth is the increase in production of both economic services and goods in comparison form one period of time to the other. This may be measured either in real or nominal terms. Conventionally speaking, aggregated economic growth is being measured by way of its GNP or the Gross National Product or via GDP or Gross Domestic Product. Even though, there are instances in which alternative metrics are being put into used.
A Dive into Economic Growth
Simply speaking, economic growth is referring to the growth of production that an economy makes. Oftentimes but not necessarily, these aggregated gains in production is in correlation with the increased of average marginal productivity. This results to the increase of consumers in spending more and buying more. This even leads to people taking loans to open a business and create more jobs for the people. Having said that, generating higher quality materials or standard of living.
On the subject of economics, growth is frequently modeled as the function of the following:
- Labor Force
- Human Capital
- Physical Capital and;
- Technology
In other words, this is improving the quality or quantity of working age population and tools they’ve got to work with. Not to mention, the formula available in combining capital, labor as well as raw materials to deliver enhanced economic outcome.
What Does Growth mean?
There are actually a number of ways that can be done in generating economic growth. First of all is increasing the volume of capital goods that the economy has. Adding capital to economy has the tendency to boost labor productivity.
With more, better and newer tools in place, it only indicates that workers will be more productive.
For an example, a fisherman who uses a net is likely to catch more fish compared to fisherman that uses pointy stick. On the other hand, these don’t mean that we can simply disregard the latter. Someone needs to first engage in some sort of saving or compromise of their current consumption to be able to free up resources and create new capital. The new capital ought to be in the right type, right time and right place for workers in order to be really productive.
Another method of boosting economic growth is through technological advancement or development. One good example of this is the invention of fuel. Before the discovery of gasoline to generate energy, petroleum’s economic value was incredibly low. With the use of gasoline becoming more common and efficient method for transporting goods, it gradually boosts its price and value over time.
The economic success of a country is largely measured by the economic growth it generates. Hence the strong focus on this. That is no coincidence: economic growth is crucial because it helps to achieve some of the other objectives – full employment, balanced public finances. To give an example: a certain degree of economic growth is needed to prevent a rise in unemployment if more people enter the labor market (young people, women, migrants) or to create new jobs to compensate for the jobs that disappear due to efficiency improvements in the companies.
If the cake does not get bigger, the redistribution issue becomes much more pressing.
Economic Growth Explained
Economic growth is the support on which the economic system rests. Take that away and there are major stability problems. Economic growth is needed to maintain prosperity as the population – of a country, of the world – grows. In 1950 there were 2.5 billion people on the earth, in 2000 there were 6 billion and today 7.6 billion. If there had been no economic growth, poverty would have increased considerably. Thanks to the strong growth of the world economy, poverty is substantially reduced even with a strong increase in the world population.
Economic growth contributes to political and social stability. If the cake that can be divided becomes larger, this avoids tensions between countries, between population groups, between generations. If the cake does not get bigger, the redistribution issue becomes much more pressing.
There is a psychological effect. People want to feel that they are making progress, that it is getting better. Whoever has a job wants to see his salary rise after a while. If the level of prosperity increases for almost everyone – which is only possible with steady economic growth – then the feeling of satisfaction and happiness in society also increases, “Harvard economist Benjamin Friedman stated in his 2006 book” The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth. He went one step further. Economic growth makes societies more tolerant and makes them more open to democracy.
What Are The Effects Of Economic Growth?
Economic growth makes societies more tolerant and makes them more open to democracy.
Economic growth is also a condition for the affordability of basic social services in developed economies. Due to the aging of the population, for example, the costs for pensions and health care are increasing. In order to be able to bear this without having to cut heavy spending on other expenditures, economic growth is needed that will generate extra tax revenue for the government.
Economic growth is not only the result of government policy, but also of innovation and of productivity
Improvements in industrial companies, service companies and government administration. If economic growth is slowed down or stopped, the stimuli for technological progress will largely disappear. Both processes interact and propel each other. “Our economic system is inextricably linked to growth,” observes French Harvard professor Philippe Aghion, who works a lot on economic growth.
Economic growth brings stability to the economic and political system. That growth is desirable and necessary. But that fits perfectly with the question that it must also be balanced and sustainable.
The economic upswing in recent years has led to optimism in large parts of Europe. After years of recession or stagnation in numerous European countries, stronger economic growth and falling unemployment have been recorded, although unemployment in large parts of the euro area remains higher than before the onset of the financial crisis. Austria also experienced a strong economic upswing, which lasted from around mid-2015 to mid-2018 and has since gradually lost momentum.
In the past few months, however, economic development in the euro area has cooled off increasingly, which is manifested in falling economic growth rates.
The German economy has been particularly hard hit, not least because of the aftermath of the tradeconflicts instigated by US President Trump and the uncertainties surrounding Brexit; it may already be in recession. Against the background of the marked economic weakness of the important trading partners Italy and Germany, the Austrian economy is also in a downturn – GDP growth for 2019 will probably have to be revised downwards.
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The increase in industrial production and investment in equipment has weakened noticeably in Austria and the number of unemployed could soon start to rise again – even though the number of unemployed registered with the AMS remains at around 300,000 people, which is significantly higher than the level of approximately 210,000 unemployed before the start of the last economic downturn in 2008. This resulted in a higher number of people taking out loans even those who are in bad credit as shown by many third party agencies like New Horizons.
Real GDP growth by quarter
The experience of the last crisis shows that it is important to take measures as quickly as possible to counteract the rise in unemployment. Rising unemployment leads to negative long-term effects – for example, through a substantial drop in income for those affected by long-term unemployment who weaken consumer demand; as well as through a loss of skills that also depress long-term growth potential. In order to prevent these negative consequences, quick and determined countermeasures are required.
In addition, weak economic activity is burdening public budgets due to lower tax revenues and higher social spending, which also speaks for the rapid implementation of countercyclical fiscal policies that support the overall economy. In the current situation, a well-thought-out, deficit-financed, expansionary fiscal policy can even help the government debt ratio (measured as a percentage of GDP) to decrease further in the medium and long term compared to a scenario without a fiscal stimulus. This is in stark contrast to the often voiced claim that expansionary fiscal policies only lead to higher debts.
How should economic policy react to the downturn?
What can economic policy do to counter the economic downturn? The scope for monetary policy to stimulate the economy is extremely limited. The key interest rates in the euro area remain at zero and cannot be reduced further. How effective “quantitative easing” (large-scale bond purchase program such as that of the European Central Bank) is to achieve positive growth and employment effects remains controversial. Although it will be important for the European Central Bank (ECB) to continue its low-interest-rate policy in order to ensure effective economic policy coordination with the fiscal policies of the national governments, it is in any case at a loss when it comes to tackling the economic downturn on its own.
Given the limited scope for monetary policy, the fiscal policies of national governments must play a more important role in economic policy management. This has also been made clear in the context of the international technical debate in recent months. Well-known macroeconomist Larry Summers and Anna Stansbury recently argued that the euro area was in a monetary “black hole” – a liquidity trap in which there was minimal scope for expansionary monetary policy measures “. Fighting (future) economic downturns make it all the more necessary for national governments to pursue expansionary tax and spending policies in order to stimulate aggregate demand and thus economic growth and employment. Against this background, a new perspective on the important role of fiscal policy is emerging in the international specialist debate.
Fiscal policy in times of extremely low-interest rates
The framework conditions for Keynesian accents in economic policy are extremely favorable, especially in Germany and Austria. The groundbreaking work of the former IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard points to this. This argues that the cost of public debt needs to be re-evaluated in an environment of very low-interest rates. Blanchard shows that if “safe interest rates” (on government bonds) are lower than nominal economic growth, there will be important consequences for fiscal policy. States can get into debt relatively easily if economic growth and government revenue grow faster than interest costs.
The interest on ten-year government bonds is now negative, which means that the Austrian government has to repay less at the end of the term than it took out on the loan. In addition, nominal GDP growth rates have been substantially higher than interest rates on average over the past three years. This fact indicates that Austria and Germany currently have a particularly large scope of action when compared to other European countries to counter the economic downturn through expansionary fiscal policies.
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Quotes about Finance
'Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. Real wealth is tangible things produced with tangible effort'